Archive for the '1899 May 18th 03:00' Category


1899 May 18th 03:00

Cant sleep. Too afraid to sleep, I’m worried the minute I do my spectral friend will appear to keep me company, strange as I had a really good day all in all.

At about seven pm there was a knock on my door.  I immediately suspected Sherlock so I hid a revolver in the back of my trousers. I found the weight comforting. I had decided, if necessary, to put a bullet in his brain and flee for pastures new, needs must.
But no, it was Amelia, and in some distress. She was very polite but had clearly been crying. I do like a woman crying…
“Can I come in?” she said.
“Of course, please, sit, would you like some tea? Something stronger perhaps?”
“No thank you.”
“What’s the matter?”
“Its Leon, last night , after you left so suddenly, he wandered off with this big russian woman, with bright red hair, she said she was called Amanda, they were both very drunk and I havent seen him since, they were kissing…”, she began too sob.
Well this is what I love about Trotsky bless him, he couldn’t make a cup of tea without breaking a window, this was pure bliss, all my birthdays had come at once! I could barely restrain myself from jumping up and down with glee but I put on my most serious face and said,

“I’m so sorry Amelia, he is simply very weak , but if that is his true nature we must be good comrades and respect his sexual preferences “.

“What do you mean ?” she said.

“She didn’t say her name was Amanda, she was saying, she was a man, da!”

God, she went white, ran to my sink and began retching into it, I really felt for her, I gently rubbed her back..

Finally she recovered herself ..”I have to go”.

“Wait , I would really like to see you again Amelia, if only as friends”.

There, I had said it, I felt naked and vulnerable..because I was.

She looked away..

“Ok “.

Opening her purse she gave me a white piece of paper.

“My card, call me, you’re very sweet Joe.”

She kissed me on the cheek and left.

I felt weak.

Someone will have to die for this….